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Pranic Energy Healing

Prana meaning 'life energy'.

Pranic Energy Healing is a very relaxing cleansing complementary therapy. It is used to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments. This system can enhance your well-being. It is highly systematic and scientific in its approach, which distinguishes it from other healing therapies. Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system that works on the principal that the body is a self healing organism.

We all live busy lives and a condition or ailment can arrive through certain patterns, lifestyles and psychological changes. By using specific techniques for those ailments or conditions the pattern can be reversed and the body is able to heal itself.

It is an incredible technological breakthrough in the science of healing.
Many professionals including the medical profession, psychologists, therapists, families and business professionals are now utilizing Pranic Healing alongside orthodox medicine to help enhance every area of their lives.


50 minutes

49 Euros


     A Therapeutic Treatment Room for the mind, body and soul.


Nestled in the beautiful Clarinda Park away from the noisy main street,

                to ensure a calm environment, with the view of Howth and the sea.           


Opening hours.

Monday                8:30-6:00pm
Tuesday                8:30-5:00pm
Thursday              9:30-3:00pm

Friday                  8:30-2:00pm
Saturday               Available upon request
Sunday                  Available upon request

ZenVita Wellness

6 Clarinda Park North,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin.

A96 V089

087 161 8029


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Registered business 941055, since 2015.

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